The Visible and Hidden Dangers of Water Leaks

The Visible and Hidden Dangers of Water Leaks

The Visible and Hidden Dangers of Water Leaks Photo: Andrey Popov/iStock​ Noticing and taking care of water leaks on time is very important because if left unattended they can lead to some greater damages, whether to your property or to your health. Here are some of...
What I SHOULD and SHOULD NOT Do During a Winter Storm

What I SHOULD and SHOULD NOT Do During a Winter Storm

What I SHOULD and SHOULD NOT Do During a Winter Storm Photo: Stephen Maturen/Getty Images Stay indoors during the storm. Walk carefully on snowy, icy walkways. Avoid overexertion when shoveling snow; overexertion can bring on a heart attack— a major cause of death in...
Winter Weather Preparedness

Winter Weather Preparedness

Winter Weather Preparedness Photo: ronniechua IStock​ Winter storms can range from a moderate snow over a few hours to a blizzard with blinding, wind-driven snow that lasts for several days. Many winter storms are accompanied by dangerously low temperatures and...
Tips to Keep You Safe in The Winter

Tips to Keep You Safe in The Winter

Tips to Keep You Safe in The Winter Photo: Andrey Popov / Shutterstock​​ Take These Steps for Your Home Many people prefer to remain indoors in the winter but staying inside is no guarantee of safety. Take these steps to keep your home safe and warm during the winter...
Commercial Snow Removal

Commercial Snow Removal

Commercial Snow Removal Photo: Snow Plowing from Lowery Lawn & Landscape LLC​ A fresh snowfall can be a beautiful sight, but for a business owner, it requires immediate action.  When a storm hits, sidewalks and parking lots must be made safe for employees,...
Common Mold Allergies in the Fall

Common Mold Allergies in the Fall

Common Mold Allergies in the Fall Photo: JimVallee/Shutterstock​ Fall brings all kinds of lovely things- pumpkins, brightly colored leaves, and fun Fall festivals. Unfortunately, for many people, the arrival of fall means allergy flare-ups caused by the increase in...