The winter can take a toll on practically everything exposed to its conditions – your home included

While the snowfall may look pretty, the freezing temperatures can quickly wreak havoc on your home outside and in, causing serious damage and leaving you with expensive repairs.

To help you prepare for the cold this year, here are  ways winter weather can damage your home.

  1. Your gutters can fall
  2. Your foundation can crack
  3. Your door frames can rot
  4. Mold can grow
  5. Sump pumps can fail
  6. Your pipes can burst
  7. Gas leaks

Do you want to keep your home in good shape this winter?

It pays to keep those gutters free of debris and ice. The weight of snow and ice buildup has the capacity to pull down any gutter system even new ones, depending on how much buildup there is, if you have snow that gathers on your solar panels, it can slide off, taking your gutters with it.

Downspout due to frozen water, will be a major problem and lead to leaks and water running along the house, compromising the foundation, or getting into existing cracks in the foundation once the water thaws.

Another winter water hazard to your home occurs when snow puts pressure on the sump pump drain in your yard, which can leave you with a major mess on your hands, that’s something you want to and can avoid. Ensure your sump pump is functioning properly and clear any drain clogs before a big snowfall.

High winter winds can blow out oven and furnace pilot lights, causing a potential gas leak inside the home. If left untreated, this can put your home at risk for a fire or explosion if the gas comes in contact with a source of electricity or a flame.

Think mold and mildew are just a summertime problem? Think again. When it’s cold outside and warm inside, many surfaces allow for cold and warm air on the surface, walls, ceilings, etc., especially if they are poorly insulated. The condensation then adds to the ideal environment for mold to grow if it’s not attended too quickly.

Another winter water hazard to your home occurs when snow puts pressure on the sump pump drain in your yard, which can leave you with a major mess on your hands, that’s something you want to and can avoid. Ensure your sump pump is functioning properly and clear any drain clogs before a big snowfall.

High winter winds can blow out oven and furnace pilot lights, causing a potential gas leak inside the home. If left untreated, this can put your home at risk for a fire or explosion if the gas comes in contact with a source of electricity or a flame.

Despite what you may believe, the pipes on the exterior of your home aren’t the only ones at risk of cold-weather damage. Exposed pipes are most susceptible to freezing, however, preventing them from freezing and bursting is easy, sealing off any drafty areas and using insulation will significantly help with avoiding an unwanted pipe burst.

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