Five Reasons Spring Is Perfect for Your Kitchen or Bath Project

Spring is the perfect time to start fresh, especially if you want to plan a kitchen or bathroom remodel. Spring is the start of warmer weather and inspiration to give a new face to your home. This also means you will be ready for summer hosting.

Remodel happens when the inspiration hits, and the budget for it fits. If you have waited all year to consider one, here are five reasons why Spring is “peak season” for your kitchen or bath project:

1. The Warmer Weather

Spring brings warmer temperatures and makes it easier to get things done. With any remodel, there is a lot of foot traffic in and out of your home. Milder weather makes it easier to keep your home comfortable without dealing with the cold and snow.

2. More Creative, More Energy

When Spring happens, people are out getting things done. Since it is a natural time of renewal, that alone helps to inspire creativity. In this last year of all the chaos there has been a lot of time to think and search of what you can do to give your home a boost.

3. More Sun and Daylight

Daylight Savings Time in full swing. That means you have more hours when you need them to get a project started, moving, and finished.

4. Your Kitchen or Bathroom will be ready for Hosting Season

With summer coming and BBQ’s happening you will be ready for the hustle and bustle.

You can now relax and reflect on the renewal that this project has brought you and enjoy with your family and friends.

5. Just in time for your tax return!

Not everyone gets a bonus from Uncle Sam, but if you do, you want to use it in a way that benefits you long-term. A tax return gives you extra money that you can use to make your home and life better.

A kitchen remodel can add over 80 percent of the money you spend back to your home. That is something you will be thankful for if you decide to sell your home.

And if you do not get enough or any, we offer financing. This is a quick and easy process, that does not break the bank.



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Four Reasons to Paint Your Exterior

Four Reasons to Paint Your Exterior

Many business owners, Facility Managers and Property Managers wonder when the best time of year is to schedule painting projects. Painting can be done at nearly any time during the year (during the right conditions), spring is arguably the best time of year to take care of outdoor projects; interior projects could be done year-round.