Virtual Communication

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Virtual communication….sounds so futuristic.  Even though companies like zoom, gotomeetings, eztalks and google hangouts have been around for quite some time, they were rarely used.  Business was done face to face, across a conference table; and when necessary a person was conferenced in.

Fast forward to the “new normal”.  In the wake of the current situation, virtual communication has become the go to for almost everyone, from the business person to the family member.  But what actually is virtual communication?  It is often defined as a mode of communication that includes the use of technology – audio and video – to communicate with people who are not physically present in front of us.

There are many advantages to incorporating virtual communication into your “toolbox” of communication tools.  Convenience is most definitely high on the list, but it also time saving, cost efficient, promotes flexibility and has been found to increase productivity.  Sounds great, right?  But there is a downside…there could be technical problems, absence of non-verbal communication, and some functions just require that old school face to face conversation.  It seems, however, that for many, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages…into the future we go!

Our team at All Boro has jumped on the virtual tour, making sure everyone is kept in the loop to service our customers to the best of our ability.  We will continue our weekly huddles in this manner until our doors are physically open to all once again.  Rest assured however, we are still here, ready to server you, whatever the need.